Associates  of  Houston

​​​Internal Medicine 

Call :  (713) 436-4566 for appointment

1. What is Internal Medicine? 

     Internal medicine is a medical speciality dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases.

2. Do internists provide primary care or is it a speciality?

    Internists provide primary care specifically for adults generally above 18 years old. Internists provide services in hospitals and in the       clinic. 

3. What is the difference between Internists and other Primary care practitioners like family medicine?

    We let you do your own research on this topic. An internet search will give you a lot of information.

4. How do you charge for services?

    We are contracted by insurance companies to provide services. If you don't have insurance, we directly charge a consultation fee. If       you have insurance, we submit your claims to the insurance company.

5. Do you accept all types of insurance plan?
    We are contracted with most major insurances. However, you must always contact your insurance company and find out. Insurance       companies have different plans and some plans may require that see providers associated with those plans. 

6. Why do I get a bill, in spite of having insurance?

    Insurance companies usually have a negotiated fee for the types of services rendered. Your plan also determines the type of services     covered and your deductibles/co-insurance. If you have a deductible or co-insurance, your insurance covers its part and expects you     to pay the rest. 

7. Are there services that are offered which are payed 100% by insurance and you don't charge anything?

   Insurance companies cover most preventive services at 100%. However, the details and specifics vary and you must talk to your              insurance company. Any office visit where the doctor spends quality time over consultation is considered an office visit, be it regular      or followup and appropriate fees will be applicable. A doctor usually requests for a followup based on various factors and their                findings on your tests. If the doctor feels that you do not need a followup visit, will just go over your results on the phone, thus                avoiding the need for a second visit. 

8. What is preventive care? How does your provider practice preventive care?

    Preventive care is done in many ways. A lot of the onus is on the patient. Good diet, fitness, sleep, mental health are the basics.               Doctors look into age related and other activity or situation related screenings. We are not dietitians or fitness or yoga experts, but         we guide you on the aspects of vitality. We give you pointers, do's and don'ts ... recovery plans, healing guidance. There is a lot of           information on the internet and also experts in respective fields. Please be careful and be aware of commercial products etc.... 

9.What are the chances of my getting diabetes/blood pressure or other auto immune disorders including heart diseases and               cancer?

    Interesting question. Everyone is different. These disorders do not really knock your door before they come, however you must               always be cautious. Onset of a disease or a disorder usually happens over a period of time. Most diseases/disorders start kicking in       as we grow older and our body gets weaker.  As always prevention is the best thing, but when these diseases kick in, the focus must       be on cure , treatment and recovery. Leaning towards a natural lifestyle helps a lot with prevention.

10.How can one recover from a disease/disorder?

      A lot depends on you. Doctor's duty is to save you and treat the disease. You can do a lot of things from your end. Some of our               patients have recovered amazingly, from conditions like GERD, Hypertension etc... They managed to reverse their conditions with a       lot of positivity and "can do" attitude. We love to work with you if you want to be a champion. Our doctor usually eliminates the               need   for medication once you are able to get into a lifestyle where medication is not necessary or medication can be reduced. We         constantly work to guide you and also ensure you are on the right path. 

      Please be aware that not all diseases or disorders are reversible or curable. It is very important to understand that healthcare is             necessary. Not everyone can recover fully or partially and there is no guarantee. Hospitalization, medication may not be avoided.           But every effort must be made from all sides for the betterment.

11.Is it fine to eat whatever I like if I exercise and workout a lot?

     What goes into our body is as important as what we sweat out. Making the right diet choices is very important for optimum health.        The air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, sleep and our mental state are all the factors that matter. 

Internal Medicine